About Us

We are a full service digital marketing agency focused on generating new leads and sale for our clients.

Lead Generation


Facebook Ads

Paid Search


Ryan Cameron

Founder and Managing Director

Hi My name is Ryan Cameron and I am the founder and managing director of Blend Media.

I first learned how to build websites when I was in High School back in 2001. I loved playing around with code and had a general curiosity about the web.

At that time, I had a friend approach me to help create a website for his business. Back then building a website was a very complicated process, but after enduring several months and lots of frustration, I finally made the website that my friend needed.

Through that experience I started my business creating websites. It was great, I was able to help a lot of people but there was an even bigger problem. Once the client got the website they weren’t getting visitors because they didn’t know how to market their business properly.

I realized most business owners actually need help with lead generation more than anything. After generating tons of leads for different service based businesses, I launched Blend Media.

Blend Media focuses on lead generation for service based businesses especially in the niches of financial advisors, medical spas and lawyers.

If you need more leads and customers, I would love to help you out.

I look forward to working with you!

Ryan Cameron

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